Our services offered

Urological examination and advice

Focused examination of urological system with a review of diagnostic procedures and advice on futher examinations and therapy.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound of urologic system, genitals and transrectal US of prostate.

Endoscopic diagnostics

Flexible cystoscopy with sterile Primesight cystoscope.

Select MDX

Nonivasive genetic test for prostate cancer tells us, would we find cancer if we performed prostate biopsy, and would that cancer bemalignant.

Pulse electromagnetic therapy

Pulsed electomagnetic field has powerful effect on pain in funkction of urine system. Irritable bladder, prostate iritation and pelvic pain.

Lorem ipsum

Hyaluronic acid has soothing effect on bladder mucosa and calms down symptoms of OAB. In case of infection, after procedures or irradiation, take care of you bladder.